Listen to your Heart
The world is giving me answers each day. Learn to listen to both sides. The good will always out weigh the bad.
Listening to the GOOD (no order)
- Anika – dedicated, healthy, happy, sensitive, caring, athletic, beautiful
- Andrew – smart, passionate, intense, innovative, spunky, funny, driven, handsome
- Exercise
- Devotion time
- Creativity
- My Mom and Dad
- Time alone in the morning
- A warm house
- Great sex
- Cars that work
- Church and God
CoffeeTea- Morning cuddles
- Weather changing
- Friends that care
- Having a savings, 401K, Pera accounts
- Work and employment
- Technology
- Volunteerism
Listening to the BAD (no order)
- Heartbroken
- Times of despair
- Not knowing the future
- Not having trust
- Social Media
- Early morning curiosity
- Sleepless nights
- Homelessness
- Emptiness