Dancing the Night Away….
One-on-one time with my daughter rarely comes around. When the local father-daughter dance was announced, it was such a perfect opportunity to spend an evening of food, fun and dance. I’m hoping it would be a night that she remembers, just as much as I will. We were able to talk about her 2nd grade classes, sports, music and the dreaded topic - boys!
I must admit, the night meant just as much to me as it did to her. (if not more!) She still “likes” to hang out with her dad. She isn’t ashamed or doesn’t do an “eye roll” when I bring up a discussion. It is nice to know that she still looks up to me and my standards.
Anika will always be my girl, but it is sad to think that in the near future she will be escorted by another boy. (many years in the future - thank goodness!) I hope she looks back on this evening and knows how she is supposed to be treated on a date. I did my best to set the bar as high as I could.