Daily thankfulness for the small things that I enjoy, look forward to, and can’t wait to experience. I love knowing I can bookend Day 1 to Day 30. ❤️
- November 1 – Family / Thankful for the blessings each family member gives me.
- November 2 – Laugher of kids / Hearing my kids laugh in the backseat together
- November 3 – Kid’s extracurriculars / Sports, theater, music, and everything in between
- November 4 – Food on our table / To know we are able to have food on our table each night
- November 5 – Pets and all that they bring / Two dogs that keep us all happy and wondering
- November 6 – Warm house / To have the ability to turn up the heat when needed
- November 7 – Job and security / A successful job that is secure for the seeable future
- November 8 – Savings account / To have financial security if ever in need
- November 9 – Friends who listen / Knowing someone is there for me at all times
- November 10 – Cuddles at night / To be able to hold someone tight in the morning or night
- November 11 – Work relationships / Work friends who help me through the daily grind
- November 12 – Health / Having clean checkups for the past 4 years
- November 13 – Coffee / The pick-me-up that is needed each morning
- November 14 – Sleep / Never enough, but always sought after
- November 15 – Memories / To be able to look back at what a successful upbringing I had
- November 16 – Alone time in the morning / Curling up in a blanket with emptiness all around me
- November 17 – Good doctor appointments / Wellness checkups with a clean bill of health
- November 18 – Holidays / Specialty days in which I’m around extended family
- November 19 – Exercising / Knowing I can run, lift, and train for any activity
- November 20 – Art and design / Noticing and accomplishing great design
- November 21 – Religion and devotion / Spending time to worship and devote to my savior
- November 22 – Fall leaves / The sound of fall leaves on the ground as you walk through them
- November 23 – Engaging movies and TV shows / Able to encompass a thriller or romance
- November 24 – Flirting and emotions / Having a sassy side that loves to flirt
- November 25 – Specialty electronics / Purchasing high-end electronics that fulfill my “wants”
- November 26 – Board games / To be able to pick up a board game and play with the kids on a whim
- November 27 – Christmas lights / Visiting homes with lights and enjoying a coffee on the road
- November 28 – Shopping & Giving / Helping out a family in need over the holiday season
- November 29 – First snow / Looking out the window and witnessing the first snow of the season
- November 30 – Family / Thankful for the blessings each family member gives me.