I’m sure everyone goes through it. I just seem to be going through it a lot more lately. The wanting of a change of “scenery”. Maybe get up and move to a new area, start a new life, begin a new job, find a new adventure, test new limits, try something that exhilarates me, seek new fulfillment, or maybe experience a thrill that rocks my everyday mundane world.
Oh boy, I think I’ve finally hit it. My mid-life crisis. This is what it feels like and it only took me to hit the ripe, old age of 50. I wouldn’t call it a crisis, per se, but a mid-life, “What the heck am I doing?”
I know eventually reality will set in, but the wanting for fulfillment and being content has finally shaken me up a bit.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.