Today marks our 14th year of marriage together. 14 years. Full of hard work, ups, and downs, accomplishments and successes, disappointments and mistakes. I’ve experienced how rewarding it is to be a couple and how lucky we are to have one another by each other’s side.
I’ll be perfectly honest, marriage is tough. Very tough. We’ve endured every emotion possible, but we continue to stay committed to our relationship and our core values remain the same. I’m thankful to have a woman by my side who has fought for me, as I have for her.
I have found that marriage isn’t defined by a big moment, but by a million little moments. The everyday things matter the most. The kiss good morning, the smile hello, the note in the car, the casual touch on the arm, or the tickle on the back. Hold onto the simple things and don’t dwell on the big picture. These are the things one should cherish the most. Always be willing to compromise, communicate and most of all be willing to forgive.
As I look around our house at the kid’s sports equipment on the floor, the half-drank juice cups on the counter, dirty laundry piling up, and dog mishaps around the house, I couldn’t imagine a better partner to make it through these life adventures. I’m a very lucky man.
Here’s to #14, Cori. I’m blessed and grateful to have you by my side. Happy Anniversary!