365 Days Stronger

It has been exactly 365 days since my final chemo treatment for cancer and receiving the news that I was in complete remission. I’m happy to report that I continue to be in good health after my 1-year doctor visit at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center a few weeks ago. I think back to the struggles that I had experienced daily and how much pain and exhaustion I endured while trying to maintain a decent size workload, juggling a family with young kids, and somewhat of a social life. Once COVID-19 hit, I knew this journey down the joyous “cancer road” would be placed solely on me. I found out later that I was on this road to recovery by myself even more so than I had once expected.
Since my final treatment, I have set out to make small changes to my lifestyle that includes more yoga (bad visual, I know!), self-meditation, prayer and daily Downtown Greeley walks on my breaks at work. I’ve found that these small daily rituals have helped with my mental state. One shop that I continue to get my daily refresh from that has a simple message sign outside is Blush Boutique. Daily I walk by this same message, “God’s Plans will always be greater and more beautiful than all your disappointments”. I have found that you can’t control all of life’s disappointments, but you can control your own happiness and wellbeing. I continue to be cautious, yet live life to its fullest in all aspects of my life. It is difficult to look back on, but I would never take back what I was able to accomplish during this time. Through God, I’m blessed beyond belief and I’m happy with the changes I continue to make both mentally and physically post-cancer treatments.
My blood draws and checkups have now moved to every 6-months and soon they will be yearly. Each time I enter the hospital I continue to have a queasy feeling of uncertainty, both from a medical and personal standpoint. To this day I continue to tell myself, “I got this”, each and every visit. I feel as if I am a “survivor” in many aspects of life and the disappointments will never outshine my triumphs that I was able to accomplish.
Here’s to the next 365!