My son is obsessed with Legos. Box after box and set after set, it is nonstop building. I'm proud of his dedication to finish sets that are 5 grade levels ahead of him. I only become hesitant when he starts showing frustration due to pieces being placed wrong 10-pages back in the instructions. The sense of "accomplishment" on his face as he dumps 6 bags out on the table and remains seated for 3-hours until the set is completely finished is very rewarding.
Well, my wife and I caved. It was time to introduce him to the Mecca of all Mecca experiences - LegoLand for a week. His face lit up as soon as we arrived at the resort in Carlsbad, California. Imagination and creativity were around every corner as he witnessed structures that were 5 times his size built entirely of Legos. He was in his own world and I couldn't be more happy for him.
Yes, Legos are developing his fine motor skills, encouraging creativity and pushing him to problem solve. As for me? I'm finding ways not to step on misplaced pieces on the kitchen floor each and every morning.

The sound a box of Lego makes is the noise of a child's mind working, looking for the right piece. Shake it, and it's almost creativity in aural form.